5 reasons why you want to ride an e-bike

E-bikes are very popular and we at SunRace totally understand why. Almost a third of Dutch people regularly use an electric bike. E-bikes bring a lot of upsides with them, which makes it a great investment that over time can even save you money! In this article we put the five most important points in a list.

1. The e-bike motivates to take your bike out more often

Often, people view the pedal assistance of an e-bike as ‘cheating’ because it takes some of the work away. However, even though that may be the case, people with an electric bike tend to cycle more frequently and cover longer distances. They compensate for the ‘missed’ effort in terms of frequency and duration of rides.

Cycling stimulates the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Such exercise also triggers the production of endorphins, leading to feelings of happiness and relaxation. Therefore, if you find yourself going out more often with an electric bike than you would without one, it could very well improve both your physical and mental well-being.

2. E-bikes make cycling easier

Every cyclist knows how challenging hilly terrain or headwinds can be. Often, some extra help is desired in those situations. E-bikes provide a solution: the pedal assistance gives you an extra push, making cycling much easier when facing headwinds or climbing hills. There are various types of e-bikes available. Depending on your cycling goals, you can choose the best option for you. Electric city bikes are very comfortable, while electric road bikes are more focused on speed. Whichever type you choose, you’ll find it easier to maintain a faster pace than without a bike without pedal assistance.

3. An e-bike is great for a day out

Do you enjoy taking your bike for a day out? Then the e-bike can easily accompany you. Many e-bikes nowadays are lightweight, making them easy to lift and ideal for taking along on public transportation or vacations. Just like with non-electric bikes, there are bike racks suitable for e-bikes that are easy to attach to the car. Even easier to take along are electric folding bikes: they can be taken on the train without an extra charge, Ideal if you want to cycle to a distant point but don’t want to cycle back to your starting point!

4. You can leave the car at home

Every day, cars across the country emit a big amount of CO2. Due to the comfort and speed of the e-bike, it’s an easier choice to leave the car at home sometimes. Additionally, you won’t have to deal with long traffic jams, headwinds, or the hassle of finding a parking spot. It’s a fun way to enjoy the fresh air and the scenery around you. An added benefit: with electric biking, you save a lot of money on fuel costs!

5. There’s always an e-bike for you

E-bikes come in many shapes and sizes, each type with unique features that support the bike’s purpose. From electric city bikes to electric racing bikes or mountain bikes, there’s a model available for every type of cyclist. For those who want to go even faster, the speed pedelec is also a good option: the ‘normal’ e-bike is limited to 25 km/h, while the speed pedelec can reach speeds of 40-45km/h. To make an e-bike even more comfortable and safe, there are often tons of extra add-ons available, such as lights, locks, bike bags and much more. This way, you can customize the bike that best suits your cycling goals.

Make cycling fun

The e-bike makes cycling easy and comfortable and is an environmentally conscious alternative to the car. As a result, more and more Dutch people are choosing this bike as an investment in their health and enjoyment of movement.